How to Turn your Signature into a Digital Signature?
Turn your signature into Digital Signature
As per the current scenario the World needs more quick and flexible solutions like Digital signature or in another way we can say that E-signature is a type of virtual signature that helps to understand the genuine and authenticity of the documents. Whereas in a normal signature the person needs to be physically present just to validate the authenticity.
How does Digital Signature Process work?
To avoid the alteration of the message, the Digital signature holds a numeric value as a sequence of characters. A hash formula is run, wherever the real information is assigned with a public key.
The Advantages of Holding Digital Signature
· Secured Data- Digital signed documents are secured
with a private key and public key which can’t be altered.
· Authenticity- Digital Signatures are used for
authentication. The receiver confirms that the particular message is sent by
the sender, without being forged.
· Uprightness-Electronic signature ensures that the
message sent by the sender isn’t altered in between whenever sent by the
· Cost-Effective- Instead of Physical presence,
standing in a queue client can scan online and share the documents by signing
digitally on a virtual platform, using Digital signature Certificates anywhere
anytime hassle-free without much burden.
Documents Required for Applying Digital Signature Online
1. PAN Card
2. Aadhaar Card
3. Email id
4. Mobile Number
Are you starting your new business & worried about how to apply for Digital Signature, we are here with the best one-stop online solution,
Clearlogics Management Consultants.