Digital Signature Certificate and Classes of Certificate
Relationship, Trust and Innovation are the backbones of our business. It actually means doing things differently for the better, overruling conventional approaches using tools and innovative reliable technology. This is what we at Clearlogics religiously and consistently practice. With technology professionals matching productivity levels of global standards through innovative practices, offering quality services at competitive costs, Clearlogics has proved its potential in offering DSCs and business solutions. Our teams bring a high level of expertise and an understanding of our customers’ expectations making us the preferred partner of many in the industry.
Classes of Digital Signature
The type of certificate is ideally dependent on the applicant and the purpose the applicant intends to apply for a DSC. Applicants should apply for digital signatures based on their respective preferences. The authorities designated to grant the DSC issue two different classes of digital signature certificates.
Class 2
The class 2 certificates are issued for both private individuals and business personnel. The certificates confirm that the information provided by the applicant in the application does not conflict with the information in recognised consumer databases. Moreover, this certificate is mandatory for individuals who have to sign manual documents while filing returns with the Registrar of Companies (RoC). This class of certificates is issued in transactions that have a considerable threat of fraud.
Class 3
It is used in online participation or bidding e-commerce auctions and for online tender transactions anywhere within India. Indeed, this is a high insurance certificate, primarily intended for e-commerce applications. This class of certificates renders top-notch security for the data dealt with. It will be issued to the individuals only on presenting themselves physically before the certifying authorities. Additionally, the vendors who often collaborate in online tenders are expected to hold a Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate.
Components of Digital Signature Certificate:
A digital signature’s key components are public and private keys and robust software that is employed to convert data into executable algorithms. A DSC can be said to comprise of the following:
A public key is required as a part of the verification system
Contact details like that of the Name and email address are required for ease of identification
The expiration date of the DSC is issued. It is used to set the shelf life which enables the signature to reset after the date of expiry
The name of the company is present which helps to identify issuing authority of the signature
The serial number of the digital ID, which is a unique number that is bundled along with the signature, is present which helps in tracking.
Validity of Digital Signature Certificate:
The digital certificates issued by the authorities are usually valid for one to two years. However, it can be renewed, and the central government may prescribe a certain amount of fees for it. Moreover, the request for the renewal of the certificate should be made at least 7 days before the expiry of the validity period for the digital certificate.
The digital signature certificate is a secure digital key that not only certifies the identity of a holder and also provides security to business. Therefore, any subscriber can authenticate an electronic document by affixing the digital signature and thus ensuring unaltered credibility and maximum efficiency.
The Digital Signature Certificate is a technical document and it is obtained from the stipulated authorities by making the application and submitting the required documents. We, here at Clearlogics Management Consultants are authorised providers of Digital Signature Certificates and have joined hands with some of the most prominent Certifying Authorities in India. That being said, there are also other reasons to choose Clearlogics Management Consultants for obtaining a DSC, as we are quick in getting the process done for our customers and deliver the Digital Signature with USB tokens that are compliant with FIPS security standards provide all three classes of DSC provide Digital signature with advanced SHA-256 algorithm as mandated by the Government of India maintain data confidentiality offer guidance on accessing and using USB tokens for e-filings.